- Tech News
The Stoner Channel: The World’s Biggest Binger, Snowblind Puppets, and the Finka Palmalera Challenge
Jimmy Kimmel’s Finka Palmalera Challenge With Starbucks’ recent announcement that it will soon carry a $7 cup of coffee made from a rare breed of caffinated bean, Jimmy Kimmel took to the streets to see if people could actually tell the difference. Boy could they ever. You’re Going to Need a Hand Lighting the World’s … Continued
- Tech NewsApple
Apparently No One Knows Who Tim Cook Is
Brian Williams, the go to newsman for any sane American, recently interviewed Tim Cook about Apple and all things going on at Cupertino. It’s the first interview “of its kind” and will be shown next week on Thursday. But that’s not why we care! What’s hilarious is that Brian Williams says no one recognizes the … Continued
By Casey Chan - Tech News
I’m Sad That No Kid Will Ever Know What This Coffee Table Really Is
Can you imagine the conversation you would have with a child, hell, a tween, about this coffee table? “You see, son. Before the cloud and usb sticks. Before hard drives and iPhones and Androids. Before the iPod and even before the CD player, there was something called the floppy disk. And it stored 1.44MB. Yeah, … Continued
By Casey Chan - Tech News
This Week’s Top Comedy Video: Old Girl
Whether you love Zooey Deschanel’s New Girl quirkfest, hate it, or have never even heard of it, I think we can all agree that it’s much improved by swapping out the twee thirtysomething with a crass octogenarian. No, seriously. I’d watch Old Girl in a heartbeat. And you would too. The rest of this week’s … Continued
Splitsider - io9
In news that is indisputably, 100% true, North Korea found a “unicorn lair”
People give North Korea a hard time, mostly because its ruler is a lunatic whose people live in poverty while enduring countless human rights violations. But has anyone ever stopped and considered that maybe that’s how a divine creator might want things to be? Because otherwise, why would he/she/it put the world’s only known “unicorn … Continued
By Rob Bricken - Tech NewsGadgets
This Redray 4k Cinema Player Looks Like Something Out of Terminator
The much lusted after Redray, which looks like the blu ray player Terminator and Darth Vader would use, can now be pre-ordered for $1450 and will start shipping in December. That’s damn expensive but 4K! 4K! 4K! https://gizmodo.com/red-ray-drive-plays-4k-2k-hd-video-from-red-disc-red-379566 The Redray can play HD, 3D and 4k media and has a 1TB hard drive to store … Continued
By Casey Chan - Tech News
Watching People Give Compliments to Each Other Will Make Your Heart Melt
It’s probably the soundtrack this video has going on in the background but this phonebooth/giant headphone setup where people give compliments to one another is so aww inducingly sweet that you won’t be able to not be happy. And you have a lot to be happy for! It’s Friday! People are great! Well, some of … Continued
By Casey Chan - Tech NewsDesign
Real-Life Pixar Lamp, Herman Miller Couch, and More
Make it out of that turkey coma yet? You’re just in time for something that is completely unrelated to the holiday madness about to commence. An edible lamp and a stacking bookshelf, and so much more are here to save you from your stupor. These are the most beautiful items of the week. Clock Box … Continued
By Leslie Horn - io9Television
Amazing News: The BBC is adapting Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell for television!
Susanna Clarke’s fantasy novel set during the Napoleonic Wars, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, is being adapted for BBC television — and let’s hope we get it pretty quickly here in the United States. The six-issue miniseries is being directed by Toby Haynes, who directed a bunch of Matt Smith’s Doctor Who stories in a … Continued
- io9
The Future Is Not Accelerating
I have some bad news and some good news for you about the future. First, the bad news. The future is not coming at us any faster than it ever has. We will not become immortal cyborgs with superintelligent computer friends in the next twenty years. The good news is that means we have a … Continued
- Tech NewsDesign
A Dozen Short Buses You Wouldn’t Make Jokes About
The gleaming 40-foot behemouths that shuttle suburban American kids to school and back are useless on the crowded streets of Delhi. Throughout the developing world kids get to their daily lessons by any means possible—trike, rickshaw, even ox cart. Our friends at Oobject have assembled 12 of the coolest home brew tike transports. When you’re … Continued
David Galbraith - Oobject.com - io9
Glare ruins NASA’s photos, too. But not for the same reason it ruins yours.
If you have ever angrily deleted your photos because of inappropriate glare, imagine how astronauts must feel. In this photo, which admittedly turned out well, they have to contend with the sun’s glare off miles-long sections of ocean. The picture above is a very good example of space-based landscape porn, but it’s also a good … Continued
- io9Books
Science Fiction Under Totalitarian Regimes, Part 2: Tsarist and Soviet Russia
This is part two of Jess Nevins’ ongoing series, looking at science fiction under various totalitarian regimes — for part one, dealing with Germany, click here. https://gizmodo.com/pulp-science-fiction-under-german-totalitarianism-5960383 Science fiction has a long tradition in Russian fiction. Fantastic voyages, utopias, and dystopias exist throughout 19th century Russian literature, with interplanetary voyages appearing as early as 1784, … Continued
Jess Nevins - Tech NewsGadgets
This Robotic Sea Turtle Moves Through the Water With Breathtaking Grace
Mankind’s attempts to create robotic humans that move exactly like us have so far been far from perfect. They usually stumble around, desperately trying to keep their balance like a toddler taking its first steps. But recreating the natural motions of underwater creatures like sea turtles? We’ve damn near perfected that. Naro – tartaruga is … Continued
- Tech News
Do You Have Any Questions About Sex? Famed Sexologist Dr. Debby Herbenick Will Answer Them
This December, famous sexologist and Gizmodo friend Dr. Debby Herbenick—author of Sex Made Easy and Because It Feels Good: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction—will answer your sex questions. Every day, Dr. Herbenick will pick a question and give you a solid, scientific answer. https://gizmodo.com/myvibe-thighs-on-first-iphone-vibrator-app-approved-by-5295987 Ask anything you are curious about, even the … Continued
By Jesus Diaz - Tech NewsApple
The New Essential Apps November 2012
iPhones. iPads. Android. Windows Phone. We’ve updated all of our essential apps lists to include a few forgotten favorites, some long awaited arrivals and, as always, even more amazing apps. Check them out! If you want to jump to see the best apps in a specific platform, click here: iPhone | Android | iPad The … Continued
By Leslie Horn - Tech News
This Retro Fridge Is One of the Things You Miss From the 1950s
Eating in the 1950s probably sucked in terms of convenience. No internet, meaning no Seamless. But the style was rad—and you can harness that aspect in your own kitchen with Servis’s new retro fridges. These cool fridges come in bright reds, oranges, and greens just like the popsicles in the freezer section—the perfect smart snap … Continued
By Leslie Horn - io9
Fan Fiction Friday: Harry Potter and Lucius Malfoy Really Have to Go in “Rain of Gold”
Greetings! After last week’s foray into honey-cured Iron Man, we go a step further into the depths of bad erotic fan fiction with this Harry Potter story. While Harry Potter has inspired scads of fan fic, good and bad, all-ages-appropriate and quite naughty, I have noticed that a great many Harry Potter fans are also … Continued
By Rob Bricken - Reviews
Bar10der Review: A Watered-Down Cocktail Multitool
Bar supplies take up a lot of space. They’re hard to keep together. It’s easy to forget something. What if there was just one thing you could grab, and it contained everything you need to whip up some serious cocktails? There is. It’s like a Leatherman for drunks. What Is It? A 10-in-1 multitool for … Continued
By Brent Rose