Six unusual earthquakes shook Mount Adams in September, but it's too soon to speculate about a potential eruption
Thursday's 7.1 earthquake has heightened concerns among experts, who warn that it could be a precursor to an even larger rupture along a fault line off the Japanese coast.
Moonquakes were first detected on the Moon's near side during the Apollo era, but there's little information on the tremors taking place at the south pole.
Scientists have been imagining the destruction of New York by earthquake for decades.
The East Coast felt an earthquake for 15 seconds, reverberating memes throughout the country for hours.
Potential Artemis landing sites aren’t on the steadiest of ground, as recent research suggests these areas may be prone to moonquakes.
A reexamination of post-Apollo era moonquakes suggests they weren't caused by natural processes.
A meteorite impact and a marsquake shed light on the Red Planet’s deepest recesses.
NASA announced that the InSight mission is officially over after the probe failed to respond to pings.
The state's Railroad Commission is investigating whether the 5.4-magnitude quake last week was a natural event.
The NASA lander is on its last legs, but it's still revealing details about Mars’ volcanism, seismology, and even recent meteorite impacts.
In scientific terms, each crash sounds like a "bloop."
The dust-covered spacecraft detected landmark geophysical events on Mars, despite significant obstacles.
The magnitude 5 quake is the largest ever detected on another planet.
Two record-setting events clue us in to Mars’ active interior.
At an estimated 9.5 magnitude, the ancient megathrust earthquake would rank as one of the strongest on record.
Fracking is the prime suspect behind a surge in Texas earthquakes last year.
Nations across the Pacific have sounded the alarm about tsunamis after a violent eruption shook one of Tonga's volcanoes.
The Insight lander now has its breakthrough moment, thanks to Mars’ natural seismic waves.
The heat wave scorching the Pacific Northwest is having a ruinous effect on its landscape.
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