Thousands of Unknown Viruses and Bacteria Are Living in Our Subways
New research out this week confirms that our subways aren’t just jam-packed with people—they’re also filled to the brim with viruses, bacteria, and other microbes. Using samples from transit stations in 60 countries, scientists have created a microbial atlas of sorts. But though the scientists have discovered lots of previously unknown species living in these … Continued
By Ed Cara -
Scientists Shot Tardigrades From a Gun to Test a Theory About Aliens
Microscopic tardigrades are among the toughest animals on Earth, capable of withstanding freezing temperatures, the vacuum of space, and intense radiation. As new research shows, they’re even able to survive high-speed impacts—but only to a point. New research in Astrobiology shows that tardigrades can survive impacts in excess of 1,620 miles per hour (728 meters … Continued