Tech News
Roll-up TVs
Wired.com has a Reuters piece about a new technology that reduces a television to just 50-millionths of an inch thick. You could roll one up and toss it in your bag. From the story: You’re effectively printing televisions,” CDT Chief Executive David Fyfe said. “They can be printed onto thin plastic almost like paper.” Roll-up … Continued
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Tech News
Sneak Peak at the Next-Gen Palm
PDABuzz.com is running what is reputed to be a sneak peak at the next-generation Palm, which is code-named “Oslo”. Not much word on what improvements will be made to the Palm OS (besides rumors that Bluetooth will be incorporated), but from the leaked picture that purports to show an Oslo Palm, the major advances seem … Continued
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Tech News
The Rise of Ultra-Personal Computing
For the last few months I’ve been thinking about buying a PDA, and I think I just found exactly what I’m looking for. It’s called OQO. It’s made by the team that designed Apple’s Titanium PowerBook, who left to form their own company. Their first product is what they’re calling an Ultra-Personal Computer: an iPaq … Continued
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Tech News
How to Replace Your Cellphone
A few months ago my Sprint PCS cellphone died while I was on the road, and I was forced in a pinch to buy a new one. I was loathe to replace the faulty model that had stopped functioning (and had never really worked that well in the first place), but I also wasn’t too … Continued
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Tech News
Moxi Comes Home
Speaking of Tivo, Moxi announced a big deal yesterday that will have its software incorporated into Scientific Atlanta’s set-top cable boxes. Moxi records your favorite TV shows like a Tivo, but it can also play DVDs and MP3s, stream to other TVs in the house, has Firewire and USB ports for adding extra storage space … Continued
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Tech News
Turn your Mac into a TiVo
At the Macworld New York conference that is going on right now El Gato Software are introducing a new product called EyeTV that promises to give Macs all the functionality of a Tivo. Looks cool, and it lets you archive shows to CD-R or share them with easily friends over the Net (something Tivo won’t … Continued
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Tech News
Peer-to-Peer Streaming
Just a few weeks ago the Copyright Office came down with a decision about the amount webcasters should pay in royalties for streaming Internet radio. Typically, the decision satisfied no one – the recording industry thinks 0.07 cents per song per performance is way too low, while many webcasters counter that even that low fee … Continued
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Tech News
Toshiba rips the iPod
ZDNet has a story about how Toshiba, the company that manufactures the tiny hard drives that live inside the iPod, has introduced its own iPod clone, the Gigabeat MEG50JS. It weighs a little more, and uses a USB 2.0 connection instead of FireWire, but the drive is swappable and is designed to work with a … Continued
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Tech News
The Simputer stumbles
A couple of years ago I attended the Digital Dividend conference in Seattle. The idea behind the conference was to talk about ways to bring the benefits of the information age to the world’s poorest three billion people. While most of the attendees talked about putting solar powered cyber kiosks in remote villages, it took … Continued
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Tech News
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By Nick A