Scarlett Johansson Talks Getting Rough In The The Iron Man Catsuit
Who is this red-headed mystery woman we saw tempting Tony Stark, in the Iron Man 2 Comic Con footage? We talked about all things Black Widow with Scarlett Johansson — from squeezing into the catsuit to Avengers possibilities. Spoilers below. We got a few precious minutes with Iron Man 2’s new red-headed beauty, Scarlett Johansson, … Continued
Diamonds Are A Wound’s Best Friend
Women tend to like them, meteors tend to make them and De Beers tends to hoard them, but now diamonds turn out to have a more constructive use: making nasty wounds heal faster. https://gizmodo.com/meteors-are-forever-5319789 Northwestern University scientist Dean Ho and his team discovered that nanodiamonds are very attractive to insulin, best know for helping regulate … Continued
Moon Bloodgood Joins ER’s Wylie In The Fight Against Spielberg’s Aliens
Moon Bloodgood teams up with Noah Wyle in TNT’s new alien-invasion series, created by Steven Spielberg. Glad to see Moon sticking it out in the genre, after Chun-Li, Journeyman and Terminator Salvation. Maybe the fourth time will be the charm. Also joining the cast are actors Jessy Schram, Seychelle Gabriel, and Maxim Knight, who will … Continued
Apollo Visits The Dollhouse
Fans who thought that we’d lost Battlestar Galactica‘s Jamie Bamber to police procedurals after the end of the bleak space-opera series last year, rejoice; it’s been confirmed he’ll be appearing in the opening episode of Dollhouse’s second season. E! Online is reporting that Bamber will rejoin his former Colonial pilot, Tahmoh Penikett, in the first … Continued
Which Hero’s Getting A Superpower That Crosses The Line Into Madness?
Spoilerama! Iron Man 2 trailer snaps include your first glimpse of a new hero. Plus there’s a Jonah Hex poster, and Wanted 2/Angelina Jolie details. Smallville spoilers may make you doubt your wits. Plus G.I. Joe, Heroes and Dollhouse spoilers. Iron Man 2: Reader Lant sent us a few stills from the sneak peek shown … Continued
Brando Tells Apple TV to Suck on this HD Media Player
Seamless white boxes? Pfft. Brando doesn’t need any of white plastic’s pomp and circumstance. Instead, their Darwinian hard drive dock gets another upgrade. Now it’s an HD media player. Accepting 2.5 and 3.5-inch SATA drives through a cartridge-like loading system, the $200 player streams 1080P content (H.264, MPEG1/2/4, DIVX, XVID, TS, MKV, RM/RMVB, TP, AVI, … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
A Peek Inside a Blu-ray Factory
Sony recently opened a new Blu-ray factory in the suburbs of Sydney, and however you may feel about the format itself, the automatized precision in the creation of BDs is still a marvel. Charlie Brewer from News Limited walks you step by step (16 worthwhile photos in all) through the whole process as robots transform … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
The Scene You Won’t See In Iron Man 2
Sorry, you can’t see the Comic Con footage from Iron Man 2, but here’s the next best thing: a scene from Metal Man, last year’s direct-to-DVD Iron Man homage. Metal Man fights Mecha Terror, then argues with his also-helmeted girlfriend. I love the random airplane exploding for no reason. I also love the bored-looking cow … Continued
Singing Vampires Want You To Join Their Fake French Threesomes
I don’t know if Alan Ball can top last night’s big “which vampire used to be a ridiculous 1920s fop” reveal. True Blood just told us all just how seriously the show expects to be taken: apparently, not at all. Honestly guys I think this weeks big TB moment, the singing Vampire Bill, will stay … Continued
Endeavour’s Record Space Party Ends With A Final Five-Hour Space Walk
A record number of 13 astronauts were together on the Space Station this week. The Endeavour shuttle crew is leaving this largest-ever space gathering Friday, but one of their final tasks on the station was a five hour spacewalk today. The five hour space walk was the fifth for the Endeavour crew, in itself an … Continued
T-800 Gets a New Mission: Kill Adolf Hitler
Why did the original Terminator have an Austrian accent? Perhaps because he was constructed not by machines in a distant future, but — as in this diorama series — by the Russian military during WWII… for a very different mission. A toy hobbyist known on the Toyster.ru forums as Aquila painstakingly created a step-by-step photo … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Whedon’s Meta-Tastic Cabin In The Woods Posters Leave Us Wondering: What Is This Movie?
We’re still having trouble wrapping our brains around Joss Whedon‘s oh-so-meta Cabin In The Woods horror movie. Some new posters give anti-survival tips, as well as some hints about just how self-aware this horror film actually is. We’ll have to wait until at least a trailer is out, but I’ve always been a huge fan … Continued
Who Won Comic Con’s Buzz Wars? Our 10 Picks
The entertainment industry descended on San Diego like an alien mothership, hoping to refuel with precious buzz. But there were some movies and entertainers that people talked about more than others. Here are 10 winners of Comic Con’s buzz wars. People talk about Comic Con as the place you go to create the next geek-entertainment … Continued
First Episode of “V” Reboot Is Creepy and Intriguing
Moody, weird, and genuinely scary, the premiere episode of new ABC series “V” has us convinced that there’s life after Battlestar Galactica. We saw the whole thing at Comic-Con and have a spoiler-free report. Based on an early-1980s miniseries, “V” is about what happens when dozens of gigantic alien ships arrive on Earth, hovering over … Continued
Tron Legacy Concept Art Takes You Inside Cyberspace
New concept art from sequel Tron Legacy shows us how the look of cyberspace has evolved since 1982. Take a gander at the vehicles and gladiatorial games, and get your first look at Tron City, where sentient programs live. Last Thursday, Tron Legacy director Joe Kosinski showed concept art from the new film at Comic … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Zombie Meister Brooks Takes On The Joes
Even if the GI Joe movie disappoints those looking for a fresh new take on their favorite childhood toys, IDW Publishing has a good way to provide one — World War Z‘s Max Brooks is writing a Joe comic. Brooks, who came to prominence with the Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z, will be … Continued
Yes, “The 4400” Was Partly About Scientology
I have long had a theory that bizarro conspiracy/time travel/mutant superpowers show The 4400 was partly about Scientology. There was the weird cult leader Jordan Collier, the sleekly expensive 4400 building, and the belief that everybody can become superpowered if they’d just donate money or time to the 4400 group. But were the references to … Continued
Pluto May Get Let Back into the Planet Club
For those still distraught about Pluto’s demotion from full-fledged planet to dwarf, the battle is not over. The former planet has made some powerful allies who believe their discoveries will convince astronomers to bring Pluto back into the planetary fold. Many of us who grew up learning about the nine planets took Pluto’s reclassification hard, … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
What If Greedo Really Shot First?
Our second favorite Star Wars bounty hunter, Greedo, gets shortchanged by that retcon that he shot first, because we know Greedo would never have missed. So what would have happened if Greedo had shot (and killed!) Han Solo? Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles/Thor writer Ashley Edward Miller was tweeting about showing his newborn son “both … Continued