This Week’s TV: It’s Time to Discover the Greatness of Rick and Morty!
Seriously, it’s time to embrace the brilliance of Rick and Morty, as this show returns. Plus the Police Academy gang battle giant lava spiders, and there are more mutant shark movies than you can shake a #$%*ing stick at, all on This Week’s TV! Tonight: 3 Headed Shark Attack (7PM, SYFY) Danny Trejo stars in … Continued
This Week’s TV: What Happens When a Shark Bites a UFO?
A full week of new Steven Universe, TWO monster shark movies, and the season premiere of Gravity Falls, all on this week’s TV! Tonight: Steven Universe (6PM, CARTOON) Brand-new episodes—every weekday at six! Gravity Falls (8:30PM, DISNEY XD) The origin of Stan and his mysterious brother is finally revealed! Tonight’s episode is thirty uninterrupted minutes, … Continued
This Week’s TV: How Terrible Will Shark Week Be This Year?
What’s on TV this week? Werewolves, lions, and interplanetary nuns! It’s also Shark Week, so brace yourselves formore terrible shark science. Also: The Strain and Dominion return for their new seasons. All this and Mark Hamill, on this week’s TV! Tonight: Return of the Great White Serial Killer (9 PM, DISCOVERY) Close the beaches, because … Continued
Fish in Death Valley Hold Their Breath For Five Hours At a Time
The desert pupfish, a fish on the verge of extinction due to the simple misfortune of living in Death Valley, has managed to survive by learning to hold its breath for up to five hours at a time. Having spent the bulk of its evolutionary history in cool waters, the last 10,000 have been rough … Continued
How Intense Would A Musical Flash/Arrow Crossover Be? We Have Proof
We’ve noticed the Flash/Arrow universe contains a remarkable number of characters portrayed by professionally trained singers. Grant Gustin (Barry Allen) Jesse L. Martin (Joe West) John Barrowman (Malcolm Merlyn) Colin Donnell (Tommy Merlyn) Andy Meintus (Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper) and Victor Garber (Dr. Martin Stein) all performed on Broadway. While Colton Haynes (Roy Harper)… …and Katie … Continued
Check Out These Mind-Blowing Megalodon Teeth Made Out Of Chocolate
If you’re unsatisfied with more traditional Easter fare, like warping your eggs into cubes, or gifting your loved ones with a chocolate death mask of your own face, then Fossil Era has got you covered with Chocolate Megalodon teeth, cast from the actual fossil of a 60-foot long super-predator! The 4.8” inch tooth casts may … Continued
UV Light Reveals Ghostly Graffiti in Medieval Manuscript
The Black Book of Carmarthen, named for the color of its binding and believed location of origin (the Augustinian Priory of Saints John the Evangelist and Teulydog in Carmarthem), is the oldest surviving manuscript written in the Welsh language. Excluding a few passages on the horses of great Welsh heroes, the book mainly contains poems … Continued
Punk Frogs Are First Known Vertebrate to Change Skin Texture
A new species of frog is the first known vertebrate able to change the texture of its own skin. The frogs, which live among mossy forests in Ecuador, sprout protrusions called tubercles to mimic their surroundings. When moved away from moss, the tubercles recede. Named Pristimantis mutabilis, or the “mutable rainfrog” this trait has led … Continued
The Strangest Science Fiction Movies to Watch This Easter
The Ten Commandments. Ben Hur. Easter Parade. Critters 2: The Main Course? Take a journey to the stranger side of the Easter genre with these holiday-appropriate, science fiction film recommendations. The Being Want to watch a monster movie starring Martin Landau, Dorothy Malone, Jose Ferrer, Mrs. Kenny Rogers and the producer of Flesh Gordon? One … Continued
Human-Shaped Fungus Grows in England
A human-shaped mushroom species has been discovered on the side of a road in Norfolk, England. Jonathan Revett, a mycology hobbyist for over 40 years and owner of fenfungi.com, found the mushroom and sent a specimen in for analysis after noticing its unique, humanoid shape. Naturally seeming to possess a “head” and “arms”, the fragile … Continued
Help NASA Target Dangerous Asteroids With New App
Now you too can be Bruce Willis in Armageddon (Harry Stamper…the character’s name was Harry Stamper…) without the worry of dying in space. NASA, in cooperation with Planetary Resources, has created a new app allowing the nearsighted or maybe even the asthmatic to protect the Earth from threatening asteroids. https://gizmodo.com/a-visualization-showing-where-asteroids-have-hit-the-ea-1566181287 The app, called the Asteroid … Continued
Photographer Captures Mesmeric Images of Parasitic Worm Sex
Since today is informally ParaSaturday (parasite-Saturday) on io9, photographer Marcus DeSieno , best known for his Victorian-style portraits of various parasite species posing like figures of the old West, was generous enough to submit to us his latest: Two Worms Having Sex. Namely, Schistosoma mansoni — blood flukes. DeSieno, whose photography has been profiled on … Continued
Mudskippers Create Artificial Tongues Made of Water
We all know they can crawl like a dog without scraping their knees, but researchers have now learned mudskippers are able to attack prey on land by manipulating mouthfuls of water – then sucking that water back into their mouths like a vacuum. The general idea is sort of like “hocking a loogie”– but then, … Continued
A Millipede That Only Lives In One City
A new species of millipede known only to exist in the small city of Launceston, Tasmania has been discovered – and it’s been named after the jackal-headed Egyptian God, Anubis. The species, Tasmaniosoma Anubis is named for its branching genitalia, which resemble the snout and ears of Anubis. Though only one-centimeter long, the species was … Continued
A Field Guide to Science Fiction’s Greatest Parasitic Twins
An asymmetrical, or, “parasitic” twin completely dependent upon its host sibling for life, serves as a fascinating reminder of the fragility of embryonic development. When used as a narrative device, the parasitic twin becomes a potent metaphor for codependency and the potential agony of familial relationships. When twins do not fully separate, great stories happen! … Continued
Here’s Your Chance To Own The Cybernetic Dolphin From Johnny Mnemonic
Beginning March 23, a collection of movie props sculpted by the FXSMITH Studio hits the auction block, including the cybernetic dolphin from Johnny Mnemonic! And the suggested prices are eminently reasonable! The FXSMITH team, lead by Gordon Smith and a collection of Canada’s most-talented sculptors (including the amazing Evan Penny) are jettisoning old stock through … Continued
Insane Smokey Bear PSAs Starring David Lynch and the TMNT
Today, March 21st marks the U.N.’s International Day of Forests. This annual event hopes to raise awareness of the importance of forests and trees, which provide shelter, jobs and security for people around the world, and held slow the ravages of climate change. Forest protection has long been a favorite for science-fiction programs and PSA’s. … Continued
This Aquaman Fan Film Cost $10,000
In 1984, UCLA students Thomas Farr and Jeff Klein pooled $10,000 of their own money to create the world’s first Aquaman fan film: the DC-sanctioned Aquaman: Cast of the Angler. Taking creative liberties with the character’s origin story — which now includes an assist from Jacques Cousteau — the film pits Aquaman against “The Angler”, … Continued
Parasites Cause Irish Shrimp to Eat Their Young
Gammarus duebeni celticus, a species of shrimp native to Northern Ireland, has been found to display severe, cannibalistic tendencies when infected with the parasite Pleistophora mulleri. After the parasite is introduced, it makes its home inside the shrimp’s muscles (just one is about the size of a red blood cell), where it can easily multiply … Continued