EartherClimate Change
Artificial Clouds That Could Stop Climate Change Receive Investment From Bill Gates
Rather than plunge money in a couple of girlfriends his daughter’s age, Bill Gates’ retirement money sure is being put to good use, with his most recent investment being in machines that turn seawater into climate-changing artificial clouds. His $300,000 will hopefully go a long way in Silver Lining’s project, potentially knocking climate change on … Continued
EartherClimate Change
NASA’s Earth Day Gift Runs On a 56,832-Core, 128-Screen Climate Research Supercomputer
Earth Week is upon us, and NASA has prepared a very special gift for the blue planet: a planetary data-crunching tool that uses a 56,832-core, 128-screen supercomputer for helping scientists work together toward better climate change research. NEX, which stands for NASA Earth Exchange, provides scientists around the globe with the kind of computer power … Continued
EartherClimate Change
Eyjafjallajökull Daily CO2 Output Utterly Dwarfed by European Aviation Industry
Mt. Eyjafjallajökull is wreaking havoc on European travel right now, but what about the continent’s environment? That’s a lot of CO2 in the air, after all, but you’d be surprised to learn the airplanes it’s grounded are much, much worse. As you can see in the big, colorful graph, the European aviation industry’s daily CO2 … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
EartherClimate Change
Bubble Bath Oceans Could Beat Global Warming
A physicist at Harvard has an idea for fighting climate change that’s radical in every sense of the word. He wants to pump massive amounts of microbubbles into the world’s oceans, increasing their reflectivity and cooling their waters. Professor Russell Seitz proposed his idea at a recent geoengineering conference. The tiny bubbles essentially act as … Continued
EartherClimate Change
IBM Develops Infinitely Recyclable Plant-Based Plastic
Earlier this week, IBM researchers announced a discovery that could lead to plastics made from plants instead of petroleum. The new plastics will be more energy efficient, more versatile, and infinitely recyclable (until we move to our space colony). The discovery was made at IBM’s Almaden Research Center in Northern California in cooperation with scientists … Continued
EartherClimate Change
Coffee-Powered “Carpuccino” Infuriates Car Lovers, Coffee Lovers, Pun Lovers
Point: As my fellow Jalopnik readers would agree, the thought of an au-to-MO-bile running on some coffee beans is equally laughable and insulting. Counterpoint: As my fellow coffee drinkers would agree, this is an utter disgrace to our holy bean. https://gizmodo.com/giz-explains-how-to-actually-make-coffee-5345785 Countercounterpoint: Carpuccino? Really? A while ago we read that coffee-based biofuels were feasible. Knowing … Continued
EartherClimate Change
Doomsday Clock Moved Back One Minute
The Doomsday Clock, a metaphoric measure of the threat posed by nuclear weapons, biotechnology, and climate change, has been moved back one minute, to six minutes before midnight, signaling a more “hopeful state of world affairs.” The Bulletin of Atomic Sciences cited the increased discourse on climate change and further developments towards a nuclear weapons-free … Continued
EartherClimate Change
Google Earth To Tackle Deforestation
Google’s services are getting stronger and more powerful with every passing week. Today’s announcement at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen could be a real game-changer, especially in South America and Australia, where deforestation is rife. Areas suffering from deforestation (including illegal logging) can be analyzed and detected instantly, with Google’s ultra-fast satellite imagery-processors … Continued
EartherClimate Change
Waking Up On Mars: Australia’s Bizarre Dust Storm
I woke up Wednesday (Tuesday U.S. time), to a scene from Total Recall. Sydney had been blanketed by an apocalyptic glowing red dust storm. Red from iron-oxide: rust. And if I couldn’t breathe, my tech gear wouldn’t like this either… But I did what any geek would do. I regressed into an excited 10 year … Continued
By Danny Allen -
EartherClimate Change
Cloud-Generating 1900-Ship Armada to Sink Climate Change
The Copenhagen Consensus Centre—a respected European think tank which used to be skeptic on climate change—is now advising that we should spend $9 billion in building 1900 cloud-generating ships like the one above. Why? To cool down Earth: When you spray saltwater into the air, you create nuclei that cloud condenses around, creating bigger and … Continued
By Jesus Diaz