What Would You Send Into Space to Tell the Story of Earth?
Over 35 years ago, NASA launched Voyagers 1 and 2 into space, and with them two records filled with a variety of sounds and images designed to be a crash course in human experience. Today, we want to know what you would want to send into space to tell other civilizations about Earth. In addition … Continued
By Ria Misra -
Every Outfit Walter White Ever Wore in Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad tributes aren’t hard to find. We’ve seen an entire episode translated into emoji. We’ve seen the show’s theme played on equipment from a meth lab. We’ve even seen a Breaking Bad Lego set. But this new website might be the most obsessive tribute yet. Put simply, it’s a diagram of every single outfit … Continued
Here’s an 18-foot reason to be terrified by the ocean
While snorkelling in Toyon Bay, marine biologist Jasmine Santana of Catalina Island Marine Institute discovered the remains of this incredible 18-foot (5.5 m) long oarfish. It took almost 20 people to move the rare specimen to the beach. Indeed, oarfish (Regalecus glesne) are extremely elusive. There may only be one video of this creature in … Continued
Is the Ant-Man casting down to just two names?
Tom Hiddleston talks about Loki’s journey in a lengthy new Thor 2 interview. Is Joseph Kosinski too busy to direct Tron 3? Some old favorites are returning to Doctor Who in 2014. Robert Kirkman explains the main questions of Walking Dead season four. Spoilers ahead! Ant-Man Rumor has it that the hunt is down to … Continued
It’s all out there waiting for you
You just have to make your way among the stars, and find it. This stunning Hubble Space Telescope image of PGC 6240, an elliptical galaxy in the southern constellation of Hydrus (the Water Snake) isn’t just a strong candidate for your new desktop wallpaper — it’s also an intriguing mystery. The “pale rose” shape of … Continued
Comment of the Day: The Tradeoff Between Science and Story
In today’s comments we fretted over the definition of average, oohed and aahed over some DIY costume skills, and (with the help of Gravity’s science advisor) teased out the precise intersection of science and story-telling. We were joined for an “Ask The Expert” session by Kevin Grazier (whose credits, in addition to Gravity, also include … Continued
By Ria Misra -
Once Upon A Time just shattered our hearts into a million pieces
This was a fantastic episode of Once Upon A Time. Fantastic. What has this series been doing with this season? Can we have Jane Espenson write ALL OF THE EPISODES for the rest of the season please? And in other news, I am now officially dead inside. Spoilers ahead… As I live and breathe, I … Continued
The aerial footage from the latest Grasshopper test launch is super badass
Last week’s test-launch of SpaceX’s Grasshopper saw the vertical-takeoff-vertical-landing (VTVL) vehicle soar to a record-setting altitude of 744 meters. Equally impressive: the vehicle was filmed mid-air by a hexacopter – which, hot damn, talk about getting up-close and personal. Via SpaceX: On Monday, October 7th, Grasshopper completed its highest leap to date, rising to 744m … Continued
The Uncanny Places on Earth That Look Like Alien Worlds
We’ve made huge strides towards finding exoplanets and surveying the other worlds in our solar system recently — but most of us will never know what it’s like to stand on another soil, especially under another sun. Good thing there are a lot of places on Earth that you could easily mistake for strange new … Continued
Which superhuman character (or species) has the most poetic weakness?
Science fiction and fantasy are full of unstoppable badasses. But often, they’ll have a weakness that is fairly poetic. Superman is vulnerable to the ruins of his own home planet. Sontarans can never turn their back on you. But which character or group has the most poetic weakness? Please include a picture or clip of … Continued
Guillermo del Toro explains why he wants to ruin the human face
It’s a big month for Guillermo del Toro. Tomorrow sees the release of the Pacific Rim Blu-ray. And on Oct. 29, he’s releasing his sketchbook collection Cabinet of Curiosities. We talked to del Toro about monsters and art — plus we’re featuring an exclusive Pacific Rim deleted scene and some horrifying pages from his sketchbook. … Continued
It’s the apocalypse, Pinoy-style, in the soap opera Genesis
Check out a teaser for Genesis, the apocalyptic romance TV show that just aired its first episode in the Philippines. Filipino heartthrob Dingdong Dantes stars as a military officer tasked with saving the Vice President after a global disaster. Judging from the plot description in the Manila Standard, Genesis sounds pretty soapy — Dantes’ character, … Continued
The Absolute Best Cosplay From New York Comic-Con 2013
New York Comic-Con is over, but the amazing cosplay that we saw there will be burned in our brains forever. Here it is the very BEST of the cosplay we saw on the floor of NYCC. It’s pretty awesome. First up the top picture of Ape Frodo and Gandalf is from Geeks Are Sexy (who … Continued
Too many storylines spoil the brew on Witches of East End
The good news is that episode two of Witches of East End is way better than the premiere. The bad news? There’s still way too much going on. Stop adding plotlines, show! Spoilers ahead. It may be early and the show may need to set things up, but seriously, pick one or two plotlines per … Continued
Have a shot of Jaegar with Pacific Rim and This Week’s DVDs
There’s no reason to be cute about it; This week’s DVD and Blu-ray releases is all about the arrival of Pacific Rim, which is crushing its competition like a giant robot punching a giant monster in the face. But there’s also scifi TV, evil cavemen and gratuitous nudity as well! • Pacific Rim No need … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
Ask the science advisor of Gravity, Kevin Grazier, anything you want!
There have been a lot of questions about the scientific plausibility of Alfonso Cuaron’s hit movie Gravity — so we’ve asked the film’s science advisor, Kevin Grazier, to come in and answer your questions. Grazier has also worked on Battlestar Galactica, Eureka and Defiance. Grazier spent 15 years at the Jet Propulsion Lab at NASA, … Continued
By Ria Misra -
What’s going on inside the brains of musicians while they improvise?
Watching a skilled musician improvise a piece, you almost feel as though he or she is plucking the notes straight from thin air. Fortunately, science has given us a few clues as to what’s actually going on inside the brains of musicians who are improvising. The Link Between Improvisation and Dreaming Charles Limb, a professor … Continued
By Ria Misra -
Neil Gaiman will finally get to complete his MiracleMan story
Four years ago, Marvel announced they had the rights to the classic MarvelMan (a.k.a. MiracleMan, after a Marvel-ous lawsuit forced the publisher Eclipse to change the name) comics, but not Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman’s dark and epic ’80s relaunch of the superhero. That changed this weekend. At this year’s New York Comic-Con, Joe Quesada … Continued
By Rob Bricken