Doctor Who‘s Resurrection of ‘Shada’ Works So Much Better Than It Should
Thirty-eight years after it should’ve first aired, Douglas Adams’ last Doctor Who story, “Shada,” is finally complete. Was it worth a nearly four-decade wait? It’s hard to say. Because without that legacy of mystery to propel it, “Shada” would never really have become more than the sum of its otherwise rather average parts. The thing … Continued
io9TelevisionMorning Spoilers
You Shouldn’t Believe Those Joss Whedon Batgirl Rumors
James Gunn discusses the possibility of Adam Warlock’s arrival in Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3. Even more flashbacks are being hinted at for Avengers 4. Rian Johnson teases where he’s at for his new Star Wars trilogy. Plus, new pictures from Agents of SHIELD’s return, and a Flash episode gets a delightfully revealing title. Behold, … Continued
Tom Baker’s Message For Doctor Who‘s Anniversary Is a Perfect Reminder of How Delightful Tom Baker Is
Today is not just Thanksgiving in America, but also Doctor Who’s 54th anniversary. That means while the U.S. has spent its day cramming Turkey into its collective self, well wishes of many happy returns have been sent to one of the U.K.’s most venerable scifi shows. Naturally, Tom Baker’s the best, by the virtue of … Continued
Everyone’s Excited to Punch Nazis In the Latest Trailer for Crisis on Earth-X
There are, apparently, two things on this Earth (on multiple Earths, technically) that can unite the disparate heroes of the CW/DC universe. The first is socially obligated wedding appearances. The other? Fighting alternate-universe Nazis. While not as joyously excitable at our first look at Crisis on Earth-X earlier this week, the latest trailer for the … Continued
New Star Wars: The Last Jedi Footage Features Shocking, Unadulterated Porg Violence
Chewbacca, how dare you. Every day we get closer to The Last Jedi, more and more snippets of footage come out. But today, dear reader, instead of delightful shots of Poe Dameron drifting in an X-Wing or Luke Skywalker emotionally entering the Millennium Falcon, we have something sinister. Something cruel. DON’T HIT THE PORG, CHEWIE! … Continued
After Justice League, Henry Cavill Is Excited to Play the Superman of the Comics
The Superman we’ve seen in DC’s movie universe has been…let’s say controversial at times. It’s a characterization that has been built more around the character’s power, and reactions to that power, than the ideals he champions. But after Justice League, Henry Cavill thinks its time for a Superman story that leans closer to the comics. … Continued
Neil Gaiman’s Anansi Boys Is Being Turned Into a Radio Drama
It’s been a very good year for fans of Neil Gaiman. American Gods was excellent, there’s Good Omens on the way, and now another of his works is being brought to life on radio: his 2005 fantasy novel Anansi Boys. Sharing a loose connection to American Gods—while not officially a sequel, the book features American … Continued
Batman: The Animated Series Nearly Had a Black Canary/Catwoman Teamup
Dinah Lance made her animated debut in Justice League: Unlimited, but she almost became a part of the DC animated universe well before that—she was slated for an episode of the fabled Batman: The Animated Series. But it was not to be, thanks to mandates that the show needed fewer canaries, and more… well, Robins. … Continued
DC’s Doomsday Clock Boldly Pushes the Watchmen Into an Even Grimmer, More Nihilistic Future
The first issue of Doomsday Clock is here, and with it a chance to explore the world Watchmen left behind—and how it will eventually tie into the wider DC Comics cosmos. While in some ways it’s unsurprising that this world is even grimmer than we left it, there have still been some major changes since … Continued
io9TelevisionMorning Spoilers
New Game of Thrones Rumors Set the Stage for A Major Battle to Come
We’ve got even more confirmation that an actor from the original Star Wars trilogy will not be in The Last Jedi. Arrow has an unlikely guest star this week. There’s forking good news for The Good Place. Plus, new footage from the big CW/DC crossover, and Terry Gilliam talks The Man Who Killed Don Quixote. … Continued
Aquaman Won’t Use the Same Techniques as Justice League For Talking Underwater
There’s only one scene in Justice League that really gives us a taste of what to expect when Arthur Curry gets his own standalone movie next year. But even then, it turns out that at least one thing we saw won’t carry over to Aquaman: Specifically, the way these characters talk to each other. In … Continued
The New Kick-Ass Comic Is Being Joined by an Ongoing Hit-Girl Series
Months ago, Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. announced a return to the Kick-Ass universe with a new series that would see the Kick-Ass mantle handed over to Patience Lee, a new female character. Now Patience is going to be joined by a familiar face, in the form of Hit-Girl herself. But there’s no plans … Continued
io9Toys and Collectibles
These New Magic: The Gathering Cards Are Nuts, Literally
We’re heading into the 25th anniversary of Magic: The Gathering, and Wizards of the Coast are kicking off the celebrations in style with Unstable, one of the strangest expansions Magic has seen in years. We’ve got an exclusive look at some of the craziness within. Unstable is an homage to the legendary Unhinged and Unglued … Continued
Marvel’s Adding ‘Post-Credits’ Scenes to Its Comics, Despite the Fact That’s Totally Not How Comics Work
Look, I get it. Marvel Studios popularized the “post-credits” tease that leaves us all sitting in our theater seats a lot longer than we should. Marvel Comics would love that sort of hypemongering and attention focused on their comics, so it makes sense to include some shocking last page reveals. But for the love of … Continued
io9TelevisionMorning Spoilers
A New Ant-Man & The Wasp Set Picture Teases a Major Reunion
Laura Dern and Oscar Isaac dig into The Last Jedi’s mysterious Admiral Holdo. Henry Cavill discusses his hope for a bright future for Superman after Justice League. Black Panther director Ryan Coogler opens up about a Black Panther flashback. Plus, the stars of The Flash on the rising threat of this season’s villain. Spoilers now! … Continued
Someone Forgot to Give Stan Lee a Hat
This is not even the most bizarre snapshot from a new behind-the-scenes video for Will.i.am’s collaboration with Marvel, the graphic novel Masters of the Sun, which is also being turned into an AR experience. But it is the only one where Stan Lee looks wildly envious of the hat game on display all around him, … Continued
Wow, the Gambit Movie Might Actually Cast Someone Other Than Channing Tatum
Considering how long it’s been in limbo—and how many times its seemingly been brought back from the brink of collapsing altogether—it’s hard to forget sometimes that the solo Gambit movie is still happening. Today, it took the first teeny steps forwards by… well, attaching someone other than Channing Tatum to the project. Variety reports that … Continued
The First Trailer for the DC/CW’s Crisis on Earth-X Shows Justice League How It’s Done
Earlier today, we got a glorious first look at the ginormous cast (and evil villains) of the CW’s next huge DC crossover event, Crisis on Earth-X. Now, we’ve got footage, and it looks like the wonderful, Nazi-punching superhero-fest we’ve all been waiting for. Seriously, this trailer has it all. Wedding drama. Indiana Jones jokes. Stirring … Continued
In Once and Future Queen, Arthurian Legend Gets a Modern Twist—and You Can Read the First Issue, Here for Free
The legend of King Arthur is one that’s been told—and reworked—countless times before. But a new comic from Dark Horse re-imagines it as a journey across time, one that has everything from an LGBTQ romance to portals full of trolls, and even Merlin in a spacesuit. And you can read the first issue right now! … Continued
In the Extended Trailer for Agents of SHIELD‘s Next Season, Mack Gets Even More Genre Savvy
Our latest look at Agents of SHIELD’s fifth season is much like the first, in that it’s a delightful, joke-filled romp through space. But it also gives us some intriguing hints at what’s in store for Coulson and crew. The best part, though, is still the fact that Mack has suddenly become very meta about … Continued